Readium Speech is a TypeScript library for implementing a read aloud feature with Web technologies. It follows best practices gathered through interviews with members of the digital publishing industry.
While this project is still in a very early stage, it is meant to power the read aloud feature for two different Readium projects: Readium Web and Thorium.
Readium Speech was spun out as a separate project in order to facilitate its integration as a shared component, but also because of its potential outside of the realm of ebook reading apps.
For our initial work on this project, we’re focusing on voice selection based on recommended voices.
The outline of this work has been explored in a GitHub discussion and through a best practices document.
A live demo of the voice selection API is available.
It demonstrates the following features:
npm install
import { voicesSelection} from "readium-speech";
// or with cjs only :
const { getVoices } = require("readium-speech/cjs/voices.js");
// or with esm mjs :
import { getVoices } from "readium-speech/mjs/voices.js";
const voices = await voicesSelection.getVoices();
export interface IVoices {
label: string;
voiceURI: string;
name: string;
language: string;
gender?: TGender | undefined;
age?: string | undefined;
offlineAvailability: boolean;
quality?: TQuality | undefined;
pitchControl: boolean;
recommendedPitch?: number | undefined;
recommendedRate?: number | undefined;
export interface ILanguages {
label: string;
code: string;
count: number;
function getVoices(preferredLanguage?: string[] | string, localization?: string): Promise<IVoices[]>
function getLanguages(voices: IVoices[], preferredLanguage?: string[] | string, localization?: string | undefined): ILanguages[]
function listLanguages(voices: IVoices[], localization?: string): ILanguages[]
function ListRegions(voices: IVoices[], localization?: string): ILanguages[]
function parseSpeechSynthesisVoices(speechSynthesisVoices: SpeechSynthesisVoice[]): IVoices[]
function getSpeechSynthesisVoices(): Promise<SpeechSynthesisVoice[]>
function groupByKindOfVoices(allVoices: IVoices[]): TGroupVoices
function groupByRegions(voices: IVoices[], language: string, preferredRegions?: string[] | string, localization?: string): TGroupVoices
function groupByLanguage(voices: IVoices[], preferredLanguage?: string[] | string, localization?: string): TGroupVoices
function sortByLanguage(voices: IVoices[], preferredLanguage?: string[] | string): IVoices[]
function sortByRegion(voices: IVoices[], preferredRegions?: string[] | string, localization?: string | undefined): IVoices[]
function sortByGender(voices: IVoices[], genderFirst: TGender): IVoices[]
function sortByName(voices: IVoices[]): IVoices[]
function sortByQuality(voices: IVoices[]): IVoices[]
function filterOnRecommended(voices: IVoices[], _recommended?: IRecommended[]): TReturnFilterOnRecommended
function filterOnVeryLowQuality(voices: IVoices[]): IVoices[]
function filterOnNovelty(voices: IVoices[]): IVoices[]
function filterOnQuality(voices: IVoices[], quality: TQuality | TQuality[]): IVoices[]
function filterOnLanguage(voices: IVoices[], language: string | string[]): IVoices[]
function filterOnGender(voices: IVoices[], gender: TGender): IVoices[]