Role | EPUB type equivalent | ARIA role | HTML element | Definition |
article |
 |  | <article> |
Represents a self-contained composition in a document, page, application, or site, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable |
aside |
aside |
 | <aside> |
Secondary or supplementary content. |
audio |
 |  | <audio> |
Embedded sound content in a document. |
blockquote |
 |  | <blockquote> |
Represents a section that is quoted from another source. |
caption |
 |  | <caption> or <figcaption> |
A caption for an image or a table. |
cell |
table-cell |
cell |
<td> |
A single cell of tabular data or content. |
columnheader |
 | columnheader |
<th> with scope col |
The header cell for a column, establishing a relationship between it and the other cells in the same column. |
complementary |
 | complementary |
 | A supporting section of the document, designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the DOM hierarchy, but remains meaningful when separated from the main content. |
definition |
glossdef |
definition |
<dd> |
A definition of a term or concept. |
figure |
figure |
figure |
<figure> |
An illustration, diagram, photo, code listing or similar, referenced from the text of a work, and typically annotated with a title, caption and/or credits. |
header |
 |  | <header> |
Represents introductory content, typically a group of introductory or navigational aids. |
heading |
 | heading |
<h1> through <h6> |
A heading for a section of the page. |
image |
 | img |
<img> |
Represents an image. |
list |
list |
list |
<ul> or <ol> |
A structure that contains an enumeration of related content items. |
listItem |
list-item |
listitem |
<li> |
A single item in an enumeration. |
main |
 | main |
 | Content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of the document. |
math |
 | math |
<math> |
Content that represents a mathematical expression. |
navigation |
 | navigation |
<nav> |
Represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links. |
paragraph |
 |  | <p> |
Represents a paragraph. |
preformatted |
 |  | <pre> |
Represents preformatted text which is to be presented exactly as written. |
presentation |
 | presentation or none |
 | Represents an element being used only for presentation and therefore that does not have any accessibility semantics. |
region |
 | region |
 | Represents content that is relevant to a specific, author-specified purpose and sufficiently important that users will likely want to be able to navigate to the section easily and to have it listed in a summary of the page. |
row |
table-row |
row |
<tr> |
A row of data or content in a tabular structure. |
rowheader |
 | rowheader |
<th> scoped to row |
The header cell for a row, establishing a relationship between it and the other cells in the same row. |
section |
 |  | <section> |
Represents a generic standalone section of a document, which doesn’t have a more specific semantic element to represent it. |
table |
table |
table |
<table> |
A structure containing data or content laid out in tabular form. |
term |
glossterm |
term |
<dfn> or <dt> |
A word or phrase with a corresponding definition. |
video |
 |  | <video> |
Embedded videos, movies, or audio files with captions in a document. |
Role | ARIA equivalent | EPUB type equivalent | Definition |
abstract |
doc-abstract |
abstract |
A short summary of the principle ideas, concepts and conclusions of the work, or of a section or excerpt within it. |
acknowledgments |
doc-acknowledgments |
acknowledgments |
A section or statement that acknowledges significant contributions by persons, organizations, governments and other entities to the realization of the work. |
afterword |
doc-afterword |
afterword |
A closing statement from the author or a person of importance, typically providing insight into how the content came to be written, its significance, or related events that have transpired since its timeline. |
appendix |
doc-appendix |
appendix |
A section of supplemental information located after the primary content that informs the content but is not central to it. |
backlink |
doc-backlink |
backlink |
A link that allows the user to return to a related location in the content (e.g., from a footnote to its reference or from a glossary definition to where a term is used). |
bibliography |
doc-bibliography |
bibliography |
A list of external references cited in the work, which may be to print or digital sources. |
biblioref |
doc-biblioref |
biblioref |
A reference to a bibliography entry. |
chapter |
doc-chapter |
chapter |
A major thematic section of content in a work. |
colophon |
doc-colophon |
colophon |
A short section of production notes particular to the edition (e.g., describing the typeface used), often located at the end of a work. |
conclusion |
doc-conclusion |
conclusion |
A concluding section or statement that summarizes the work or wraps up the narrative. |
cover |
doc-cover |
cover |
An image that sets the mood or tone for the work and typically includes the title and author. |
credit |
doc-credit |
credit |
An acknowledgment of the source of integrated content from third-party sources, such as photos. Typically identifies the creator, copyright and any restrictions on reuse. |
credits |
doc-credits |
credits |
A collection of credits. |
dedication |
doc-dedication |
dedication |
An inscription at the front of the work, typically addressed in tribute to one or more persons close to the author. |
endnotes |
doc-endnotes |
endnotes |
A collection of notes at the end of a work or a section within it. |
epigraph |
doc-epigraph |
epigraph |
A quotation set at the start of the work or a section that establishes the theme or sets the mood. |
epilogue |
doc-epilogue |
epilogue |
A concluding section of narrative that wraps up or comments on the actions and events of the work, typically from a future perspective. |
errata |
doc-errata |
errata |
A set of corrections discovered after initial publication of the work, sometimes referred to as corrigenda. |
example |
doc-example |
example |
An illustration of the usage of a defined term or phrase. |
footnote |
doc-footnote |
footnote |
Ancillary information, such as a citation or commentary, that provides additional context to a referenced passage of text. |
glossary |
doc-glossary |
glossary |
A brief dictionary of new, uncommon, or specialized terms used in the content. |
glossref |
doc-glossref |
glossref |
A reference to a glossary definition. |
index |
doc-index |
index |
A navigational aid that provides a detailed list of links to key subjects, names and other important topics covered in the work. |
introduction |
doc-introduction |
introduction |
A preliminary section that typically introduces the scope or nature of the work. |
noteref |
doc-noteref |
noteref |
A reference to a footnote or endnote, typically appearing as a superscripted number or symbol in the main body of text. |
notice |
doc-notice |
notice |
Notifies the user of consequences that might arise from an action or event. Examples include warnings, cautions and dangers. |
pagebreak |
doc-pagebreak |
pagebreak |
A separator denoting the position before which a break occurs between two contiguous pages in a statically paginated version of the content. |
pagelist |
doc-pagelist |
page-list |
A navigational aid that provides a list of links to the pagebreaks in the content. |
part |
doc-part |
part |
A major structural division in a work that contains a set of related sections dealing with a particular subject, narrative arc or similar encapsulated theme. |
preface |
doc-preface |
preface |
An introductory section that precedes the work, typically written by the author of the work. |
prologue |
doc-prologue |
prologue |
An introductory section that sets the background to a work, typically part of the narrative. |
pullquote |
doc-pullquote |
pullquote |
A distinctively placed or highlighted quotation from the current content designed to draw attention to a topic or highlight a key point. |
qna |
doc-qna |
qna |
A section of content structured as a series of questions and answers, such as an interview or list of frequently asked questions. |
subtitle |
doc-subtitle |
subtitle |
An explanatory or alternate title for the work, or a section or component within it. |
tip |
doc-tip |
tip |
Helpful information that clarifies some aspect of the content or assists in its comprehension. |
toc |
doc-toc |
toc |
A navigational aid that provides an ordered list of links to the major sectional headings in the content. A table of contents may cover an entire work, or only a smaller section of it. |
Role | EPUB type equivalent | Definition |
landmarks |
landmarks |
A short summary of the principle ideas, concepts and conclusions of the work, or of a section or excerpt within it. |
loa |
loa |
A listing of audio clips included in the work. |
loi |
loi |
A listing of illustrations included in the work. |
lot |
lot |
A listing of tables included in the work. |
lov |
lov |
A listing of video clips included in the work. |