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[androidJvm]\ data class Properties(val otherProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap()) : JSONable, Parcelable

Properties associated to the linked resource.

This is opened for extensions.


Properties [androidJvm]
fun Properties(otherProperties: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())


Name Summary
Companion [androidJvm]
object Companion


Name Summary
add [androidJvm]
fun add(properties: Map<String, Any>): Properties
Makes a copy of this Properties after merging in the given additional other properties.
describeContents [androidJvm]
abstract fun describeContents(): Int
get [androidJvm]
operator fun get(key: String): Any?
Syntactic sugar to access the otherProperties values by subscripting Properties directly. properties["price"] == properties.otherProperties["price"]
toJSON [androidJvm]
open override fun toJSON(): JSONObject
Serializes a Properties to its RWPM JSON representation.
writeToParcel [androidJvm]
abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


Name Summary
otherProperties [androidJvm]
val otherProperties: Map<String, Any>


Name Summary
archive [androidJvm]
val Properties.archive: ArchiveProperties?
Provides information about how the resource is stored in the publication archive.
authenticate [androidJvm]
val Properties.authenticate: Link?
Indicates that the linked resource supports authentication with the associated Authentication Document.
availability [androidJvm]
val Properties.availability: Availability?
Indicated the availability of a given resource.
clipped [androidJvm]
val Properties.clipped: Boolean?
Specifies whether or not the parts of a linked resource that flow out of the viewport are clipped.
contains [androidJvm]
val Properties.contains: Set<String>
Identifies content contained in the linked resource, that cannot be strictly identified using a media type.
copies [androidJvm]
val Properties.copies: Copies?
Library-specific feature that contains information about the copies that a library has acquired.
encryption [androidJvm]
val Properties.encryption: Encryption?
Indicates that a resource is encrypted/obfuscated and provides relevant information for decryption.
fit [androidJvm]
val Presentation.Fit?
Suggested method for constraining a resource inside the viewport.
holds [androidJvm]
val Properties.holds: Holds?
Library-specific features when a specific book is unavailable but provides a hold list.
indirectAcquisition [androidJvm]
val Properties.~~indirectAcquisition~~: List<Acquisition>
indirectAcquisitions [androidJvm]
val Properties.indirectAcquisitions: List<Acquisition>
Indirect acquisition provides a hint for the expected media type that will be acquired after additional steps.
layout [androidJvm]
val Properties.layout: EpubLayout?
Hints how the layout of the resource should be presented.
numberOfItems [androidJvm]
val Properties.numberOfItems: Int?
Provides a hint about the expected number of items returned.
orientation [androidJvm]
val Properties.orientation: Presentation.Orientation?
Suggested orientation for the device when displaying the linked resource.
overflow [androidJvm]
val Properties.overflow: Presentation.Overflow?
Suggested method for handling overflow while displaying the linked resource.
page [androidJvm]
val Presentation.Page?
Indicates how the linked resource should be displayed in a reading environment that displays synthetic spreads.
price [androidJvm]
val Properties.price: Price?
The price of a publication is tied to its acquisition link.
spread [androidJvm]
val Properties.spread: Presentation.Spread?
Indicates the condition to be met for the linked resource to be rendered within a synthetic spread.