Risa Wolf (NYPL) Robert Cartolano (Columbia University) Hadrien Gardeur (De Marque) Laurent Le Meur (EDRLab) Kate Davey (BiblioVault / the University of Chicago Press)
Brian O’Leary (BISG) - thank you for your service!
- Elections
- Membership
- Finances
- Readium Website
Board Elections
- Elections were successfully held via email
- Risa Wolf re-elected for 1 yr (May 2024)
- Laurent Le Meur re-elected and Kate Davey elected for 2 yrs (May 2025)
- Discussion of unpaid members who usually are in good standing
- Board identified members who have not yet paid for this past year
- Discussion of how to attract new members
- Brief (since Brian is absent) recap of status
- Discussion of Slack price increase
- Discussion of Slack participation
Readium Website
- Discussion of what purpose the website serves
- Discussion of user testing
- Research survey discussed and approved, Risa to initiate
- Design resources - Hadrien to share UX/design after the survey
Other business
- Readium meetup? - will discuss more next meeting
- Documentation - mobile documentation mature, web upcoming
- Readium web - preferences complete, text to speech coming soon, search and media overlay next. Hadrien will share presentation from Madrid
- Discussion of possible shared conversation between Readium Web and IIIF