Readium Projects

Current Projects

The following projects rely on the Readium Architecture.

  • Readium Mobile: the Readium toolkit dedicated to iOS and Android reading apps; written in Swift (iOS) and Kotlin (Android).
  • Readium Desktop: the Readium toolkit dedicated to Windows, MacOS and Linux apps; written in typescript, based on node.js and Electron.js.
  • Readium Web: the Readium toolkit dedicated to Web apps managing Readium Web Publications; written in typescript.

In the medium term, a new project will be released:

  • Readium Publication Server: a server for Readium Web Publications; written in Go and node.js. This is the server companion of Readium Web for when the original content is in EPUB or is a Readium package.

The Readium LCP DRM specification is maintained under the Readium Foundation umbrella. Same for the open-source Readium LCP Server, Readium LCP client for Swift, Readium LCP client for Kotlin and Readium LCP client for node.js.

Note that the management of the Readium LCP ecosystem is handled by EDRLab, acting as Certification Authority.

Projects in Maintenance Mode

  • Readium JS: the initial Readium toolkit for Web apps managine EPUB files. Written in Javascript.
  • Readium SDK: the original Readium toolkit for mobile and desktop applications; written in C and Javascript.
  • Readium LCP client for C++: the original open-source LCP client codebase, integrated in the C based Readium SDK.