Candidate Statement - Jim Dovey
Jim Dovey was one of the founders of the Readium Foundation, and is the Foundation’s principal member on behalf of Kobo Inc. His involvement in the Foundation to date has included the development of the Readium SDK as its lead engineer, and as the original designer of Readium Lightweight Content Protection, an effort now led by Hadrien Gardeur of Feedbooks. As a life-long avid reader and over of all words printed or pixellated, it is his wish to stand for the Board to help ensure that the Readium organization remains focussed on helping the industry as a whole, beyond the interests of individual participants.
NOTE: Jim is due to leave Kobo’s employment on February 14th 2014, and will take up employment at Apple Inc. in California on February 17th. While his new duties there have no connection with the electronic publishing industry, Mr. Dovey feels that he can still provide useful guidance and input to the industry through a non-partisan position on the board of the Foundation.