Candidate Statement - Matt Kuznicki
On behalf of Datalogics I would like to put forth my self-nomination as a board candidate for the Readium Foundation. My candidate statement is as follows:
About Matt:
I have worked in the electronic document industry since 2000, primarily with PDF and eBook technologies including EPUB and EPUB3. I have broad, real-world experience with helping companies work with eBook and digital document formats in their own products. I was closely involved in the creation and implementation of PDF variable-data industry standards for the personalized publishing industry, including ISO 16612-1, PPML and VPS; and I am a recognized expert and invited speaker in the PDF community. As EPUB format eBooks have gained market momentum I have been involved with many companies implementing EPUB capabilities into their own eBook readers and reading devices. In addition to an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, I hold degrees in computer science and creative writing; I’ve been personally involved both in the artistry of the written word and of the software world for practically my entire life.
As the Chief Technology Officer at Datalogics, I am responsible for software development across the entire Datalogics eBook ecosystem. I am well-experienced in the needs of the EPUB development community as well as balancing the needs of and advocating for the publisher, developer and the eBook consumer communities. To the Readium Foundation, I’ll bring my knowledge and experience with the developer and the eBook industries as well as my enthusiasm for helping the world transition from static, flat books to richer and more interactive eBook media - made feasible through the EPUB3 standard and through encouraging reading implementations across the community spectrum. We are at an important crossroads in electronic publishing: consumers are ready to adopt eBooks in large numbers. Fostering and helping to see EPUB3 readers and documents widely available is a vital step in helping accelerate this transition.
About Datalogics:
Founded in 1967, Datalogics started early in the computerized document technology field, developing one of the first computerized typesetting systems. Since then, Datalogics has continued to offer electronic document technologies as these have evolved and changed over time. Datalogics was heavily involved in the creation of SGML and other fundamental publishing information representation and interchange technologies. Today, Datalogics focuses on providing software developers with leading technology to integrate PDF and eBook capabilities into their products. Datalogics is a leading technology provider in the Adobe PDF and EPUB ecosystems. We provide, support and enhance Adobe Content Server, Adobe Reader Mobile SDK and Adobe DRM technologies to more companies than any other provider, as well as providing reference eBook reading platforms and offering eBook reading software free of charge to end users. Datalogics works closely with Adobe Systems to maintain and enhance the eBook ecosystem across all market segments.
Datalogics is proud to be a founding member of the Readium Foundation. We’re committed to bringing ePUB3 technologies to the developer community, with the aim of increasing the scope and usefulness of the EPUB3 ecosystem throughout the world and to all participants.