Laurent Le Meur (EDRLab), Kate Davey (BiblioVault / the University of Chicago Press), Brian O’Leary (BISG), Risa Wolf (NYPL), Robert Cartolano (Columbia University), Hadrien Gardeur (De Marque)
- Welcome Kate!
- Internal Elections
- Bylaws update
- Digital Publishing Summit
- Readium Web
- Other Business
Internal Elections
- Need a President, Treasurer, Secretary
- Rob moves that Laurent LeMeur (EDRLab) be re-elected as President
- Risa seconds, unanimous approval
- Discussion of Treasurer role - thank you Brian for your service to RF!
- Outlining roles and responsibilities
- address move needed
- Brian moves that Kate Davey (UCP) be elected as Treasurer
- Risa seconds, unanimous approval
- Brian moves that Risa Wolf (NYPL) be re-elected as Secretary – Laurent seconds, unanimous approval
- Internal elections complete; discussion closed
- Risa to write formal resolution
Bylaws Update
- Brian still reviewing bylaws and will continue past the end of his tenure
- Discussion closed
Digital Publishing Summit
- Booked for next year in Paris
- 130 ppl, space limited
- EDRLab and DeMarque will participate and promote Readium
- Discussion closed
Readium Web Software
- DeMarque and EDRLab showcasing accessibility and metadata, generating an annual report with usage data
- Very well received in Spain (Hadrien shared Madrid deck)
- Presenting in France EOY
- Is there a North American conference we can present at?
- Discussion of usage and participants
- Discussion closed
Other business
- LCP implementations by Lyrasis and Internet Archive, Rob Cartolano asking other publishers to adopt.
- Brief discussion of expanding the types of services that interact with LCP
- Discussion of Readium website user research
- Discussion of expanding OPDS to accommodate specific subject header schemas (e.g. BISAC)
- deeper discussion of details