Readium 2
#Parsing EPUB Metadata
Work in progress, will need to be updated on a regular basis until we reach a 1.0 version of the streamer.
Mapping to EPUB 3.1
Key | EPUB 3.1 |
identifier | dc:identifier |
title | dc:title |
sort_as | dc:title@opf:file-as |
author | dc:creator |
translator | dc:contributor@opf:role=”trl” |
editor | dc:contributor@opf:role=”edt” |
illustrator | dc:contributor@opf:role=”ill” |
narrator | dc:contributor@opf:role=”nrt” |
contributor | dc:contributor |
language | dc:language |
subject | dc:subject |
publisher | dc:publisher |
modified | dcterms:modified |
published | dc:date |
description | dc:description |
numberOfPages | schema:numberOfPages |